Monday, July 01, 2013

Right Time - Written By My Left Hand

"The Power of Your Other Hand", a book authored by Lucia Capacchione, explains that a person's non-dominant hand is a direct channel to inner potential. After reading the book, I taught myself to occasionally write with my left hand.

Soon enough, I discovered the power that lies hidden in my other hand. Sometimes, when I suffer from writer's block while writing with my right, I would switch to my left. More often than not, ideas begin to flow once again.

Soon, I learned that there's even more to that... your non-dominant hand may serve as the voice of your soul

With my right hand, I wrote my question: "How Would I Know When The Right Time Is?"

I grabbed the pen with my left hand. And before I know it, I answered my own question...

 --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

You don't wait for the right time. You make it.

The longer you wait for the right time to come, the more you deprive yourself of a better situation. There's a fine line between waiting for the right moment and procrastination.

Patience does not wait helplessly in vain. Patience plans at present as it prepares for the future. Procrastination, on the other hand, does nothing. It relies on the promise of an uncertain future... ignoring the risk of failure brought about by complacence.

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