We all dream of flawless roads, that we lose our composure when faced with unpaved terrains. Each path that we take… they have their own uniqueness: their own flaws and their own advantages. But they are mere roads… it is still we, who should control ourselves. Whoever said that we should allow dead-ends to be our final destination? We can always turn around, find our way back to where we started, and choose another road.
At one point in our lives, temptation lures us to surrender. But why give up, when you know you deserve something better? Every failure in our journey may etch scars… but they don’t kill us. Our decision not to push through: that’s what murders our souls... and alas, it is we who inflict this fate to ourselves.
We may dream of cobbled-stone streets with trees weaving their branches into arches… we may dream of floral carpeted prairies, complete with butterflies fluttering around. Indee, some roads may be pallor, dull and barren… but no one stops from planting seeds so flowers may soon bloom. It is always up to us.
Break free from the chains of fear, doubt and apprehensions… cause they slow you down. It is high time that we open our eyes, so that we may see that hope is patiently waiting in the end of the road. Letting go gives our soul the freedom and the chance to move on, so that we can soar the horizons where better opportunities dwell.
Life is a journey… let’s make it worthwhile… for our own sake.