Monday, June 27, 2011

True Form of Love

“Love should prevail among all things, that’s what they say.

But in most failed relationships, love may have been there at first, but it faded with time… fear prevailed… pride prevailed.

People fail to give love a chance out of fear of getting hurt or hurting someone. But come to think of it, the choice of not falling in love also brings the possibility of someone getting hurt.

Why fear getting hurt? The pain is a reminder that loving is a sacrifice. Granted that at some point it may bring us pain… granted at some point love will stab our hearts with devastation and grief; only if we find courage to give it a chance, the same love will ignite our dying feelings and rekindle it with ultimate bliss.

Silence, to some extent, is the voice of pride. We choose not to say things assuming that our feelings are not mutually shared. We choose not to say anything at all. We always expect something in return, that when there’s a risk of leaving empty handed, we give up the fight altogether. It’s like wanting to win the lottery, but opting not to bet because the chance is slim.

Loving someone is a risk worth taking. We may not be loved back, at least we made that someone feel loved.

It’s quite sad how loving someone is seen as a weakness… It’s quite unfortunate how some people see falling in love as vulnerability. Love is one of the most powerful emotions that a human being can experience.

Love is not a weakness.

Love overcomes the fear of getting hurt. It is courage.

Love accepts and continues loving even if the feelings are not mutual. It is humility.

Love is not vulnerability. Love is strength.

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