Saturday, May 12, 2007

Straight From A Mother

With a pristine and delicate life being nursed by my bosom, tears roll down my cheeks as the sudden chill of excitement ignites my heart…

Nothing compares to the thrill of motherhood. Being the instrument of having the ultimate form of tabula rasa come into being is a privilege that is often understated. Sometimes, I can’t help but wonder if we really deserve such kind of blessing.

It’s quite tragic how some people nowadays attempt to avoid having children. With these paragons of innocence considered a burden, I can’t help not to be concerned of what’s in store for our future. If humans continue to observe this kind of thinking, there might come a time that we’ll also face the threat of extinction. Yes, the last statement was a mere hyperbole, but who knows?

No, I’m not saying that we should breed like bunnies… all I’m saying is that children should never EVER be considered a burden. The genesis of this appalling thought is a product of a spineless mind that would do everything just to be spared from responsibilities.

As a parent, I find it insulting to hear from some people that never in their whole life would they parent a child. Believe me, that's the worst you can tell a parent.

Parenthood is not necessarily a walk in the clouds, but neither is it the river of Styx. Yes, often times, you will find yourself almost drained in several aspects; but the moment you surpass that phase, the fruit comes in multitude.

As we commemorate our mothers today, take some time to reflect. Your mother walked the parental promenade that you are hesitant to take. Should she have decided to take the same path that you are opting right now, you will not even need to make such decision anymore.

1 comment:

_victor_ said...

it's true that there are morons walking on earth saying that they do not understand the worth of being a parent.

I am too was a moron of that kind.

Ironically, the realization of my "moron-hood" made me build up interest in finding what's with the unique bond between a parent and her child and what's the glory of being a parent. At this point in time, i may not yet totally understand... or maybe i don't understand even a bit, but i think it's a good start to have not just the interest but the eagerness to know more about that special bond.

All i know is that i love my mom [of course, my dad too], and that someday, i will also fall deeply in love with my child[ren].

Congratulations... im too late, but still, happy mother's day.